terça-feira, 7 de novembro de 2017

The End! :(

PANTANAL & BONITO 2017 is ending today! :(
It was a fantastic trip, full of adventures, discoveries and experiences! We're glad everyone enjoyed it so much! We would like to thank all the exchange students, our Coordinators, monitors, Chaperones, guides, suppliers, drivers, as well as Rotary, Officers, Families and Host Families for all the support!
See you all in Northeast December 2017...coming!
#IamTerraBrasil #PantanalandBonito2017withTerraBrasil
O PANTANAL & BONITO 2017 termina hoje! :(
Foi uma viagem fantástica, cheias de aventuras, descobertas e novas experiências! Ficamos felizes que todos tenham aproveitado tanto! Gostaríamos de agradecer aos intercambistas, nossos Coordenadores, monitores, Chaperones, guias, fornecedores, motoristas, e também ao Rotary, Oficiais, Famílias e Famílias Anfitriãs - obrigado pelo apoio!
Nos vemos no Nordeste Dezembro 2017...está chegando!
 ¡El PANTANAL & BONITO 2017 termina hoy! :(
¡Fue una viaje fantástico, llenos de aventuras, descubrimientos y nuevas experiencias! ¡Estamos felices que todos hayan aprovechado tanto! Nos gustaría agradecer a los Intercambios, nuestros Coordinadores, monitores, Chaperones, guías, proveedores, conductores, y también a Rotary, Oficiales, Familias y Familias Anfitrionas - gracias por el apoyo!
En el Nordeste Diciembre 2017... está llegando!

Day 8 - Bonito

Hi everyone,
Today was probably the best day. We leave like everyday at 7:30 to go to Rio da Praia, where we saw lots of different fish, really beautiful, and some really big. Unfortunately we were separated in different group, so everyone did their own ride with their group, but was nice for everyone. When we were in the water everything was really different that on the earth, like all the thing you can see are so beautiful, you just want to spend your entire life admiring this, it was like two different worlds when you were looking outside and inside the water. We learn to float to follow the stream of the river, was really strange at the beginning but we get accustomed. Some of the groups had the chance to see anaconda, they said that was just incredible and a bit scaring because it was really big, like 5 meters. During the ride into the water we found a place where we could deep, so we took pictures there, and had lot of fun, was really nice, and then we came back to the reception, to have lunch, because for some groups that came back late they were very hungry. After the lunch we came back to the hotel to take a shower and get ready for the talents show, our last night all together, so everyone is sad to leave this fabulous place but we spend a really good night, having fun, dancing, and singing. Everyone show us their talents, so was really nice, we were happy I share this experience all together. We said thank you to all the staff, cause they did an amazing job for and with us, so we were just so sad to leave them too. And then was the time to come back to the hotel to prepare our begs and everything, and for the last night Fred our coordinator, let us stay awake until 3 am, so we are so happy to have this long curfew.
We say thank you again to everyone, for all the fabulous job they did, cause without them all of that couldn’t be possible, and they just made us dream.
I hope you liked this last day in Bonito, and thank you to read us.

segunda-feira, 6 de novembro de 2017

Day 7 - Bonito

We went at 8h30min at the cave Lago Azul. It was an amazing experience . We went to downtown of Bonito to eat in restaurants at afternoon. Later we went to do rafting. There were 3 waterfalls to cross. We could swim in the river. Because of the rain the water of the river was darker than usually. It was really funny to throw water to one boat to an other and to play with our  friends. It was tired but also really cool because it was a natural academy. Then we come back at the hotel to take a shower and be prepared to go to the center to eat with our friends. We also could chill with our friends in the city. Later we came to the hotel and we had a meeting. The organizator showed us a video of other trip. Then we had free time to listen music, play cards or just talk with friends.

Salimos a las 8:30 para la Gruta Lago Azul fue una experiencia muy buena.
En la tarde fuimos a comer al centro de la ciudad.
Despues fuimos a unos rapidos, los cuales tenían 3 cascadas, tuvimos la experiencia de poder nadar en el lago. Por causa de lluvias el agua estava mas oscura de lo normal, fue muy divertido, el echarnos agua con los remos de un bote a otro. El poder remar nos canso un poco, lo bueno fue que pudimos hacer academia natural.
De ahi regresamos al hotel para bañarnos y arreglarnos para salir al centro y poder cenar, convivir y comprar algunas cosas.
De regreso al hotel tuvimos una junta con los coordinadores y nos mostraron un video de algunos viajes del año pasado. Despues de la junta tuvimos tiempo libre pra escuchar musica, bailar, jugar cartas o simplemente platicar.

domingo, 5 de novembro de 2017

Day 6 - Bonito

After staying awake way too late talking to my new friends from all over the world, I woke up to my alarm exhausted yet ready to take on the new day. Hannah and I got dressed and grabbed some breakfast in a rush. We then boarded the bus and went on a short bus ride to our first activity in Bonito! We played some music aboard the bus and sang and danced even if we didn’t know the song or the language it was in. The landscape here in Mato Grosso do Sul, reminds me of home. Many fields,hills and vegetation.
We soon arrived to the forest we would soon explore. When I first arrived I did not know what to expect.
The exchange students all gathered together in a meeting place where we hung out together and waited to see what was next. The groups all began to go their separate ways and get dressed into the gear we would need for the trek. We got boots and life vests and wore those for the hike and the waterfalls. After that was all finished we loaded up on the trucks and drove to the beginning of the trail. We begin walking and I noticed how green everything was and saw that it was so beautiful. I saw trees I’ve never seen and many little insects that I didn’t know existed. After a short hike through the jungle,we arrived at the first waterfall where we swam and took many pictures to remember these moments. Our group continued to explore more of the jungle and all the other waterfalls. At one place we heard that a snake was spotted. Stanley, my groups chaperone saw that I was scared about that and scared me by acting like a log was a snake… I screamed and it was all caught on video too. They all laughed and I was fine with that because I found it funny too. Another thing we did was that we took a trip on a boat down a river. It was fun because we got to row the boat! Lastly for our jungle adventure was jumping off the cliff. It was about six meters high and it brought so much adrenaline when you jumped off. This was by far the highlight of my day. When this was all over we went back to the place we first arrived and saw there was another group of rotary exchange students. It was cool meeting everyone and some people even reunited with people they knew from back home! After we ate lunch we went to the Projetojiboa, which is a snake protection project where they educate people on snakes. We all got to hold a snake but I was afraid because I don’t like snakes. It was very interesting to learn about them though! To end the night we went to downtown Bonito where we ate dinner, walked around and where I had my first real Brazilian açaí! I had no idea I would enjoy it so much. All the exchange students and I hung out at a table and we probably looked crazy to outsiders because we were all laughing and speaking about five different languages to communicate. We ended up coming back to the hotel and will hang out until 12:30 tonight. After today, I am excited to see what tomorrow brings!

sexta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2017

Day 5 - Pantanal and Bonito

Today we woke up like everyday at 6:30 to leave the camp at 7:30. In the morning we went with everyone to make a walk in the jungle. It was already super hot at 8am, but we saw beautiful places. In the forest we had the chance to see monkeys! And of course a lot of mosquitos and ants, too much actually... We saw trees that litteraly killed other trees, we saw so many different species of plants. After one hour and a half, we arrived back at the camp. We enjoyed the pool for the rest of the morning and made our luggages ready. After dinner we left Pantanal and went by bus to Bonito. After like 5 hours of bus we arrived at the hotel. There is a pool, a tennis court, a volleyball court, and way less mosquitos!! Tonight we ate pizza! It was really good! We all exchanged our pins and are enjoying the rest of the night. We're all very excited for the activities of tomorrow!

quinta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2017

Day 04 - Pantanal

Empezo el dia, se puede decir que como siempre, flojera y sueño, todos cansados pero al mismo tiempo con ganas de comenzar la aventura, que comnezo con un hermoso amanecer donde pudimos admirar los hermosos colores de un esplendoroso sol, pasada un desayuno delicioso como siempre, despues el grupo 2 se levanto antes que todos para ir a su paseo en safari, donde exploraron cada rincon extraño de la floresta, encontrandose una telaraña, hasta encontraste el craneo de un macaco, viendo como una familia de puercos paseaban, por otro lado la aventura de el grupo 1 fue pescar uno de los peces mas peligrosos en Brasil, un pez carnivoro se imaginan cual?  una tenebrosa pirana con unos temibles dientes afilados, el grupo pesco un total de 30 piranas que mas tarde las de gustariamos en el amuerzo, no sin antes limpiarlas, donde el grupo corto la pirana y literalmente les saco hasta el corazon.

En el grupo 3 los intercambistas tomaron las riendas de los caballos en un paseo donde admiramos paisajes muy bonitos y donde hicimos una amistad mas en esta aventura, la de un caballo, despues el grupo probo el famoso terere, recuperando las fuerzas perdidas y refrescandose como algunavez lo hicieron los soldados paraguayos y brasilenos.
A las 7 todo el mundo ya estaban afilando su faca para un delicoso churrasco, felicitaciones a los cocineros y cocineras que nos hicieron probar tres tipos de carnes espectaculares puerco, carnero y vaca acompanado del tipico arroz brasileno.
En la oscuridad le dimos una calurosa despedida a nuestra ultima noche en Pantanal, con una fogatada que se volvio muy calurosa jajajajaja, despues empezaron los juegos, comenzamos con el EU, eu....... idiota distroyaba, eu..... frilhol moleado farinha, eu.... brincadeira, conseguimos muchas risas y un buen rato, lo que no sabiamos es que nos esperaba un juego de cartas en el cual el perdedor tenia que sufrir la verguenza de hcer un reto o de la pena de responder una verdad, fue muy divertido, mas tarde todos nos fuimos con un sonrisa a la cama, pra dormir y empezar otro dia pero no como siempre, si no con una nueva aventura, porque aqui ningun dia es igual.
#NuevoDiaNuevaAventura #AventureroDeTerra #YoEstoyConTerra  #BuenTripBuenTerra  


Lets say  the day began like usual: tired, and sleepy, However, we were really anxious and excited for the new adventures and activities yet to enjoy. The day began with a beautiful sunrise, in which we could admire its splendorous colors. After a delicious breakfast, the group 2 had to wake up earlier than the other groups, this to had a better chance to see more animals during the safari through the wetlands. During the safari, the group 2 had the opportunity to find giant spider webs, the skulls of a monkey, and a family of pigs walking around. While group 2 was doing this activity, group 1 went to fish one of the most dangerous species (fish) in Brazil. Do you know what it is? its the Piranha, the famous fish with the sharpest teeth. This group was able to fish aroun 30 piranhas that later during the day will had to be cleaned, prepared, and cooked for diner! 

 The group 3, the exchange students went to the stable to get the horses and get ready for the trip. On this trip, the group enjoyed of the scenic praire and environment around, but not without the help of our fantastics horses. After coming back from tiring trip with the horses, they had a refreshing drink called Terere, just like soldiers from Brasil and Paraguay once did. 
At 7 o clock everyone was already in line with their plates to receive a delious churrasco,  congratulating the chefs and alll the people that prpepared the  3 different kinds of meat, lamb, cow, and pork with the side of the traditional Brasilian rice.
Later the same night, we gave Pantanal a warm farewell with a big bonfire that really WARMED us up! After having conversations and really funny games around the bonfire, We played some music to everyone to dance. Then we staarted a new game with playing cards in which the looser had to choose from truth or dare. At the end of the day, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep and rest for the new upcoming adventures Terra has yet to offer us.
 #NewDayNewAdventure #AventurerOfTerra #ImWithTerra  #GoodTripGoodTerra.


Vamos dizer que começamos o dia de forma inusitada: cansados e um pouco sonolentos; mas mesmo assim, estávamos bastante ansiosos para as novas aventuras e passeios. O dia começou com um belíssimo nascer do sol, onde pudemos apreciar suas belas cores. Após um delicioso café da manhã (o grupo 2 teve que acordar antes que os outros grupos, para ter maiores chances de ver os animais durante o safari) partimos para o safari. Durante o safari, o grupo 2 teve a oportunidade de ver teias de aranha gigantes, os esqueletos de um macaco, e uma família de porcos andando pela região. Enquanto o grupo 2 estava nessa atividade, o grupo 1 saiu para pescar uma das espécies "mais perigosas" de peixe do Brasil. Sabem qual é? A piranha - o famoso peixe com dentes afiados. Esse grupo conseguiu pescar em torno de 30 piranhas que depois durante o dia serão limpas e preparadas para cozinharmos e comermos no jantar à noite!

O grupo 3: os intercambistas foram até o estábulo buscar os cavalos para o passeio. Nesse passeio, o grupo aproveitou a paisagem e o meio-ambiente, não sei a ajuda dos fantásticos cavalos. Após voltarmos cansados do passeio a cavalo, o grupo aproveitou um drink bem refrescante chamado de Terere - assim como os soldados Brasileiros e do Paraguai costumam tomar.
Às 07:00 da noite, todos já estavam enfileirados com um prato na mão para aproveitar o delicioso churrasco Pantaneiro; parabéns aos chefes e todos os envolvidos que prepararam 3 diferentes tipos de carne (cordeiro, boi e porco) acompanhados do tradicional arroz Brasileiro.
Logo após, na mesma noite, demos adeus ao Pantanal em torno de uma fogueira que realmente nos AQUECEU! Após muita conversa e algumas brincadeiras bem divertidas; colocamos música e todos dançaram. Depois começamos um jogo de cartas onde o perdedor teria que escolher entre verdade ou consequência. No fim da noite, todos voltaram aos seus quartos para descansar para as novas aventuras que nos aguardam amanhã.

 #NewDayNewAdventure #AventurerOfTerra #ImWithTerra  #GoodTripGoodTerra.

quarta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2017

Day 03 - Pantanal

We woke up at 6 am and had breakfast at 6:30 am, we then seperated into 3 groups to go horsebackriding, on a safari and a trip on a boat.

Later we had free time to get closer to the other exchange students, play volleyball, go swimming or rest in the hammocks.
For lunch we had typical Brazilian food.
Later we took some group pictures with the flags of our home countries.
Afterwards the 3 groups changed their activities, when we got back to the hotel we ate the piranhas we fished earlier for dinner.

After dinner we went on a safari to see little alligators and a beautiful night sky. 


Despertamos 6:00 desayunamos 6:30 y partimos en 3 grupos diferentes, los cuales se dividían las actividades del día.
Las actividades de la mañana fueron: paseo en barco, cabalgar y un safari.
Después de eso tuvimos unas horas libres para pasar el rato, convivir. Algunos jugaron Volibol de playa, otros se metieron a la alberca y algunos que solo quisieron descansar en sus cuartos.
A las 12:00 comimos lo típico de Brasil.
Tomamos foto de grupo, la cual salíamos con banderas de nuestro país.
Un rato después realizamos las siguientes actividades: caballos, paseo en barco y pescar pirañas, las cuales fueron cenadas por los intercambistas.
Después de cenar participamos en un Safari nocturno en el cual íbamos unos camiones, en el recorrido pudimos ver cocodrilos, y paisajes muy bonitos.
Acordamos às 06:00 da manhã e tomamos café da manhã às 06:30. Depois nos separamos em 3 grupos e saímos para cavalgar, fazer um safari e passear de barco.
Depois tivemos tempo livre de nos aproximarmos mais de cada intercambista, jogar vôlei, nadar ou descansar nas redes.
Para o almoço, tivemos comida típica Brasileira. Depois tiramos algumas fotos segurando as bandeiras de nossos países.
Logo depois, os 3 grupos alternaram as atividades e retornamos ao hotel, onde comemos no jantar as piranhas que pescamos mais cedo.
Após o jantar, saímos para um safari noturno, onde vimos um pequeno jacaré e pudemos observar o céu noturno.

terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2017

Day 02 - Departure to Pantanal!

   We had breakfast at the hotel in the morning, and after buying some stuff at the grocery shopping, we all got in to bus.
We went to the airport to pick up some exchangers and then we hit the road.
   We made a stop in Miranda, where we had lunch and bought some things,  like snacks and/or souvenirs.
A couple of hours later, we finally got to the hotel, where we meet the exchangers from Bolivia.
Some people were playing soccer or volleyball while some others were having fun in the pool.
We spent the rest of the afternoon having fun, and getting to know other people.
After dinner, we had free time so we spent time together, listening to music or just talking.

Desayunamos en la mañana en el hotel y después de haber comprado algunas cosas, todos subimos al bus.
Fuimos al aeropuerto de Campo Grande y a continuación iniciamos nuestro camino.
Hicimos una parada en Miranda, para comer algo o incluso comprar snacks o souvenirs.
Un par de horas más tarde, finalmente llegamos al hotel, donde nos encontramos con los intercambistas de Bolivia.
Algunas personas estaba jugando football o volleyball, mientras otros disfrutaban de la alberca.
Pasamos el resto de la tarde divirtíendonos y conociendo gente nueva.
Después de cenar, tuvimos tiempo libre para estar juntos.


Tomamos café da manhã no hotel pela manhã, e depois de comprarmos alguns itens no mercado, nos dirigimos ao ônibus.
Fomos ao aeroporto receber ainda alguns intercambistas e caímos na estrada.
Fizemos uma parada em Miranda, onde almoçamos e compramos alguns itens como lanches e lembranças. Algumas horas depois, finalmente chegamos ao nosso hotel onde encontramos os intercambistas da Bolívia. Algumas pessoas estavam jogando futebol e vôlei, enquanto outras se divertiam na piscina.
Passamos o restante do dia nos divertindo e conhecendo todo mundo.
Após o jantar, tivemos tempo livre para ficarmos juntos, escutando música e conversando.

Day 01 - Arrivals in Campo Grande and Corumbá!

What a busy day! PANTANAL & BONITO 2017 has just started!
Throughout this day, students in Brazil arrived at the city of Campo Grande/MS, where they were welcomed by our staff and transferred to the hotel.
Tonight, after dinner, we already had our General Orientation of the trip in which all the rules of the trip were presented! Everyone is very excited to go to Pantanal tomorrow!
Meanwhile, a group of exchange students in Bolívia have arrived this morning in Corumbá/MS! This group will have the Orientation tomorrow morning before heading to Pantanal - where everyone will meet!
Keep tuned here for more news about our adventure in Pantanal and Bonito! :)
Que dia mais movimentado! O PANTANAL & BONITO 2017 começou!
Durante todo o dia, intercambistas no Brasil chegaram na cidade de Campo Grande/MS, onde foram recepcionados por nossa equipe e encaminhados ao hotel.
Hoje à noite, após o jantar, tivemos a Orientação Geral da viagem onde todas as regras da viagem foram apresentadas! Todos estão muito animados para ir ao Pantanal amanhã!
Enquanto isso, um grupo de intercambistas da Bolívia chegou essa manhã em Corumbá/MS! Esse grupo terá a Orientação amanhã de manhã antes de seguirem para o Pantanal - onde todos se encontrarão!
Fiquem ligados aqui para mais notícias sobre nossa aventura no Pantanal e Bonito! :)

terça-feira, 13 de junho de 2017

Open Reservations!

Here's your first chance to meet students from all over the world living in Brazil as well as taking a big adventure you will never forget!

Reservations here: www.terrabrasil.com
Limited Places! Guarantee your place and a nice price!
#IamTerraBrasil #PantanalandBonito2017